Alankaralu in English: Alankāra means decoration. These exercises are groups or patterns of swarams, each of which are set to seven main tālams, so that rhythm aspect is also learnt together with different rāgams. Please find the below “sloka” on these seven taLas.

Our ancestors written on slokas saying that these seven taLas are born from the seven days of the week. Please find below the taLas along with kriyas.

A pattern with a variable number of beats. It is notated with ‘I‘ and consists of a downward clap with the palm facing down followed by counting from little finger to thumb and back.
A single beat, notated with ‘U‘, a downward clap of the open hand with the palm facing down.
A pattern of 2 beats, notated with ‘O‘, a downward clap with the palm facing down followed by a second downward clap with the palm facing up.
You can find these seven taLas in the below pdf
Click here for pdf Alankaralu
Click here for Telugu
When you want to learn Music, you have to create a music atmosphere in your home. Like..
- Listen and learn the songs which you like.
- Try search in google about the song/geetam you are learning to learn something more about it.
- Make a timetable to practice on a regular basis.
- Do know the meaning of what you are learning.
These are the things will help you out to get good grip on what you are learning and make your musical journey like a path in “the middle of the meadows”.
Hope you enjoyed this session. See you in Hecchu Sthayi Swaras..
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Want to learn Music?? Then do contact me
What’s app Number: +91 9966200544.
I teach Kuchipudi classical dance and also teach dance to songs (any language) for your special occasions (official/personal get-togethers, sangeet, weddings, school/college annual day celebrations etc..).