narayaNa mantram srimannarayaNa bhajanam
NarayaNa mantram shreemannarayaNa bhajanam lyrics in English with meaning: The song NarayaNa mantram shreemannarayaNa bhajanam was written by Sri. Sr.Samudrala for the movie Bhakta Prahlada which was released in the year 1967, music was composed by Sri Saluri Rajeswara Rao and sung by Smt. P. Sushila.
The film’s leading cast is Sri. SV Ranga Rao as HiraNyakashipu, Smt. Anjali Devi as his wife Leelavati and Baby Rojaramani as Prahlad. MangaLampalli BalamuralikrishNa started his acting career with this movie playing the role of Naarada.
Background story: Demon king Hiranyakasipa sends his son Prahlada to gurukula hoping his son who is an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu turns himself away from the Lord. But instead, Prahlada preaches to the other students about Lord Vishnu in gurukula through this song.
Do watch the “Bhakta Prahlada (1967)” movie for a better understanding. I bet you thoroughly enjoy the film….

narayaNa mantram srimannarayaNa bhajanam – lyrics meaning:
Pallavi: Salutations to NaaraayaNa. Chant the NaaraayaNa mantra and sing the songs of that SrimannaaraayaNa, this is the way to get rid of the temporary bonds on this earth and reach moksha.
CharaNam 1: To reach Srihari, you neither need to stop your breathing forcefully and do hard penance nor hurt animals or sacrifice them to perform pujas and yagnas. Just close your eyes and chant Madhava’s (Lord VishNu) name.
CharaNam 2: That SrimannarayaNa is our mother, father, guru, knowledge, medicine, yagna, moksha, and giver of everything.
Click here for pdf narayaNa mantram srimannarayaNa bhajanam lyrics in English
Click here for Telugu
Listen to lots of music, though the song you are listening to is not in your familiar language, you must grasp the music of the song. Listen to different kinds of music; try to figure out the differences between one another.
Music is an ocean; you must go as deep as possible to touch the sand grains. Deep into the ocean, there is a beautiful world hidden, try to get a chance to see the beauty of the music by listening, practicing, and singing a lot of songs.
Hope you liked this song. See you in the next song..
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