Lord Ganesh Slokam

Meaning: O Lord, who is wearing white (shukla) colored (ambara-sky) clothes (dharam), who is all-pervading (vishnum), who is having moon (shashi) like body color (varNam) who has four (chatur) hands (bhujam), who has a peaceful (prasanna), joyous face (vadanam), we meditate (dhayayet) on you, please remove (shantaye) all (sarva) the obstacles (vighnopa).

Meaning: O Lord with the Elephant (gaja) face (anana), seeing whose face mother Parvati’s (agaja – one born of mountain/daughter of parvata raja) face (anana) lights up just like a beautiful lotus (padma) opens up after seeing sun (arkam), I meditate, worship (upaasmahe) on you day & night (maharnisham), bless us o single tusked lord (ekadanta), you (tam) are the giver of boons (dam) in plenty (aneka) to your devotees (bhaktaanaam).
Morning Slokam

Meaning: Goddess Lakshmi dwells on the tip of our hand i.e. palm (karaagre), whom we worship for wealth. Goddess Saraswati is in the middle of the hand (kara-madhye), whom we worship for knowledge. And Goddess Gowri in the corner of the hand (kara-moole), whom we worship for courage, we should look at our palms every morning, and contemplate on all of them.
Deepa prajwalana Slokam

Meaning: Salutations (namostute) to the Light (jyotir) of the Lamp (deepa), which brings (karoti) auspiciousness (shubham), blessed (kalyaanam) with health (aarogyam), wealth (dhana) and accomplishment (sampadaa), which destroys (vinaashaaya) inimical (shatru) feelings (buddhi).
Lord Shiva Slokam

Meaning: I (aham) am all pervasive (nirvikalpam) and without any form (niraakaara roopam), I spread (vyaapti) in the form of ashes (vibhur) everywhere (sarvatra) and entire (sarva) Bodily or virile power (indriyaanaam). I have neither attachment (na bandhaha) to the world, nor to liberation (na mukte), always (sadaame) Equality (samatvam). I am indeed, the pure consciousness and the supreme bliss (chidaananda roopaha) the realision that oneself is not different from Shiva (shivoham).
Lord Shri Rama Slokam

Meaning: By meditating on “Rama Rama Rama” (the name of Rama), my Mind gets absorbed in the divine consciousness of Rama, which is transcendental. The name of Rama is as great as the thousand names of god (Vishnu Sahasranama-stotram).
Lord Shri KrishNa Slokam

Meaning: Salutations to Gopala who is adorned with the sacred marks (tilakam) of kasturi [musk] on his surface (phalake) of forehead (lalaata) and on his chest (vaksha:sthale) kaustubha mani obtained during samudra manthana (kaustubham), on the tip of his nose (naasaagre) new shining pearl (nava mauktikam), the palm of his hands (karatale) are gently holding a flute (veNum) and the hands (kare) themselves are beautifully decorated with bracelets (kankaNam), his whole body (sarvaange) is smeared (kalayam) with sandal paste (haricandanam cha) as if playfully anointed and his neck (kanTecha) is decorated with a necklace of pearls (muktaavaLim). Surrounded (pariveshtito) by the cowherd women (gopastree) Gopala is shining in their middle in celebration (vijayate) like a jewel on the head (chudaamaNim).
Click here for pdf Slokas
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We have different slokas for different timings, situations and occasions. If you learn slokas your pronunciation will improve in any language you wish to learn or know.
Hope you liked this session. See you in the next session..
← Sri GaNanatha Geetam Jai gaNesha jaya gaNesha song →
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