Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics in English with meaning

Ambe ambike jagadambike

Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics in English with meaning: This song was written on Goddess Parvati. It is composed in Vasanti Raga, Janya of the 27th Melakarta raga Sarasangi.

Here, the poet praises the goddess Parvati  in various ways and prostrates before the goddess, who is beautifully described and specifically mentioned in the Vedic scriptures.

Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics in English
Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics
Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics meaning in English
Ambe ambike jagadambike - Lyrics Meaning

Ambe ambike jagadambike – Lyrics Meaning:

O mother, O mother goddess, O mother of the universe.

Our salutations to you, Goddess Parvati, who is nourished by the king of the mountains (Himalayas), venerated by the greatest yogis like Agastya and Atri, extolled in the Vedas and Shastras, ecstatic by the sounds of VeeNa and Mridangam.

Oh Goddess, Parvati, Bala Tripura Sundari, you are the protector of Dharma and the holy form of Omkara. We worship you with a cluster of hibiscus flowers and prostrate at your auspicious lotus-like feet forever.

Click here for pdf Ambe ambike jagadambike lyrics in English

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Also, as part of the practice, set goals and challenges that allow you to master something new in a certain time. These goals will make you want to practice eagerly, help you maintain a productive attitude, and give you a sense of satisfaction as you see your skills progress. These goals could be to learn a scale by rote during practice or to master a topic by the weekend.

Don’t forget this crucial step: establish a scheduled practice routine; Schedule practice time, find a quiet place without distractions, and set specific and measurable goals (set a specific time to achieve them).

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